A progress report


I am officially 8 weeks into my job search, one day from finishing my last project for my master’s degree and 16 days away from what would have been my commencement celebration. I wanted to hop on and give an update, or progress report on how my job search has been going. I’ve never done a video update before but thought that it might be a great way to capture all the emotions I’ve been feeling. I recorded this video a few days ago, right after a job interview. At this point I am still waiting to see if I am moving on to the next round of interviews but thought that there might be something in this video, some tips and my process that might help someone else that is job hunting, has just been laid off or is graduating.

As I have said before, while I am waiting to secure a job, I am also busy. I am researching and preparing for the interviews to come. When COVID-19 settles, and we return to a new normal, I want to be prepared. I am using this time to learn all that I can through research and informational interviews, so when the calls do begin to pick up, I am ready. 

Friends, I am in this with you, struggling alongside you. When this is over, I am hopeful that we will all come out on the other side employed, with the jobs of our dreams. 

Keep hoping friends! We can do this! Check out the video below.

Randa Hinton


What to say when asking for an informational interview


Three Research Tips to Prepare You for Your Next Interview